FINAL Standings Posted
The Final Standings have been posted. Goodluck to all in the Tournament beginning Tuesday, 11/29 at The Rock at 4:30pm.
Buffalo Catholic Elementary Volleyball League
Boys and Girls Catholic Elementary Volleyball
The Final Standings have been posted. Goodluck to all in the Tournament beginning Tuesday, 11/29 at The Rock at 4:30pm.
As of this morning, Thursday, 10/24, ALL REPORTS ARE IN! So these should be accurate as of last night’s matches. If you see any issues, email me directly. with VOLLEYBALL in the subject line.
If you have sent me an email be sure to include “VOLLEYBALL” in the subject line. I see hundreds of emails daily so I need to search for them. Updated standings are posted and if you see any issues, email …
Clicking on the standings will get you to the first Girls Standings of 2024. If you click on the “Girls Standings” menu link, it will show you a PDF you could download to print.
Thank you all for your quick responses! All updated except for the last remaining match tonight.
I posted the almost Final Standings. There is 1 match tomorrow and I reached out to 1 coach tonight for (3) missing match dates. Hopefully, I get those earlier tomorrow and by tomorrow night we can have final standings for …
ALL, If you see an error in these standings which represent all matches played through 5/13/24, please email me. Thank You!
Standings are now current going into he last week of our season before our tournament. Email me with any questions.
I have updated the reported standings so that we can be ready for our tournament at Canisius High School on Wed evening.
If you see any issues with these, email Jeff Hetrick,